Thursday, February 23, 2006
@2:44 AM

Good Grief!

I should be asleep right now. Even practically told the whole world that I was so darn exhausted today that I was walking on air the whole time. I don't know what kept me awake till now... I think it was the important email I had to type out earlier. But then again, quite unlikely.. I was so tired while typing the email and then once I finished, I told everyone on MSN that I'm turning in early tonight. Can't stand it... Next thing I know, I was playing around with the Photoshop... -__-"

So I gotten to edit 2 photos from my huuuggeee photo collections. They're considered as one of my favourites :) One of which was taken from the infamous Opera Bar session with my darlings and the other was taken with someone dear.

Lately been having lack of sleep due to last minute studying. hehehehz well juz 2 days to be exact. Supposed to wake up early on Tuesday to continue with my revision but I had a bad dream and I juz woke up feeling really horrible.

Anyway it's all over now. Things are still not officially settled yet. Tomorrow gonna wake up early to check my email, then called up Sydney again. *sigh*

Gary's bday on Saturday. Don't think I'm gonna make it. Still gonna give him a present though since I've already promised him one. *lol*

Then there's the dinner date with Miss Egeria, and the 2 Mr Hos. Hopefully by next week I'll be back to see Missy before she flies back again.

Think I've decided my theme for me bday.. Not telling anyone for now. Perhaps some of u guys might know but shalln't say anything till everything's confirmed.

Guess I better go slp now.. Heaps of things to do tomorrow..

Good night my darlingz :)


Monday, February 20, 2006
@10:35 AM

- standstill -

My life currently is still at a standstill.. It's not doing me any good. Nothing productive. Basically juz bummed around and trying to study.

Have been staying in KL for almost 1 mth plus now.. Missing everyone back home terribly :( Especially my darlings and my loved ones. Gotten to know afew friends over these past few weeks. Online that is. hahahha Even found back few of my primary school mates!!! Gonna meet one of them and hang out~ How exciting!!!!! :))

Laughter hasn't been knocking on my door lately. Then I found this great forwarded email to me from the lovely Andria. It's the Calvin & Hobbes winter comics!!!!!!! I Luvveeeee them~ Damn funny can. kekekk (well to me that is).

Being such a nice person that I am. I shall share it with everyone! So kind right? LOL Anyway I'm just putting up the ones I think it's really really funny. Some are just alright.. But others really makes me 'LMAO'. Juz click on the picture to enlarge it if you can't see the words clearly.

So almost the whole world is asking when am I coming back to Singapore and when is my exams gonna be held. I wish I know the answers to both questions but sadly I don't. Got a feeling that I wouldn't be able to attend Gary's 24th birthday this coming Saturday at Momo's... Wanted to go check out that place at the same time since I havent been there before but don't think its possible now.

Then my uncle from Taiwan is coming to KL tomorrow. To accompany his son who's already here last week. The one who came for my dad's treatment for his Lazy Eyes. As much as I wanna continue with my dad's specialty... It's gonna be tough for me. Even more so when the sight of blood is starting to freak me out in some ways. Not sure why but as I grow older, blood gives me goosebumps. Especially when there's like a puddle of it!!! Yikes~

Oh and right now I'm starting to plan for my 24th birthday celebrations. Not gonna be a huge event - think financial costs. So.. which kinda explains the early planning and organising of such an important event. Hahahahhahah~ Hoping that everything goes smoothly and most importantly is everyone enjoys themselves. I was actually eyeing on this place called The Glass Bar at Mt Faber but.. hur hur hur. Not sure how much that is gonna cost but for sure it's gonna be heaps!! [any kind souls out there would like to sponsor me for it?heheh] Still, I enquired about it yesterday and waiting for their reply.

That's all for now.. More later.. Perhaps :)


Wednesday, February 15, 2006
@11:25 PM

Emotionally Drained

When I see him,
He makes my heart skip a beat.
He makes me blushed, with
lil butterflies fluttering in my tummy.

When I see him,
I became lost for words.
I so wanted to talk to him,
but just too shy everytime.

When I see him,
I wonder what's on his mind.
Wishing he wld look my way,
And maybe ask me
"so how have you been doing?"

When I see him,
only probably once a year.
The meeting was short and brief
and only happens when they're near.

When I see him,
he's always so simply dressed.
The whole image of the simple him
amuses me in the most interesting way.

When I see him,
he just feels so special to me.
The way i feel can never be told.
For he is someone different
Someone who's there
But can never be hold.


Met up with my cousin from Taiwan. He'll be staying in KL for 1 mth for treatment with my dad. Sometimes I really don't understand my dad and his side of the family.. I really hope I wouldn't inherit any of their awful habits...

He's suffering from some illness. One of which is depression. He said sometimes he thought bout killing himself. Then I thought for awhile. Reminded me of this someone I know. He's always worrying about everything and never about himself.

Was out with him and mummy the whole day today. Had dinner together with my dad earlier and drove him back home after.


I feel like crying... I think I am just feeling so stressed up and I don't know how to express such feelings out.. Everything is all bottled inside of me. I want to go out and just have my own time..

To laugh again.. To be crazy once more.. To be Me..

I miss everyone.. I am so stressed with everything!! Studies.. Family.. Future..

What would you do if you are stuck inbetween? Everytime? What would you do if you are being fed with negative thoughts and every complaints but have nowhere to put them away?

I really don't know what to do.. I feel so so so so lost.. I feel like giving it up once more... One last breathe.. One last smile...

Sooner or later, I am going to break... Please take me away.. Least everyone will have more peace and less stress...


@12:13 AM

Only in my Dreams :)

So Valentine's Day has come and gone.

It's another start of a brand new countdown to the next Valentine's Day. Wahahahhaha~ Juz kiddingz! So lately I have been watching some lovey dovey movies on telly and not forgetting those lovey dovey songs on radio as well. Definately felt the bitter sweetness of such important day. When couples all over the world celebrate their love for each other. Awwwwwwwwww~

Earlier this evening was in the car, daydreaming or I should say trying to picture the ideal romantic night out with my special man. Thus, I shall indulge everyone the privilage of entering Felicia's Romantic Night Out - along with some pictures I manage to find~

First up. My guy will be dressed in his best suit and carrying a whole bouquet of beautiful flowers - be it lilies or roses or anything I like. He knocks on my door and surprises me with that huuugggeeee bouquet in his hand.

Meanwhile, I of course will definately be in my best dress. Not sure if it'll be my little black dress or something more spectacular. Anyway, with my hand locked on his arm, we got on his beautiful car and drove to this wonderous romantic restaurant located up on the hills.

The candlelight dinner, musicians playing and with just the two of us, is simply marvellous. we even did afew waltz together.... Then it is time to leave. He takes my hand and leads me out to the huge rose garden. Awaits us is this shiny white carriage with a horseman with 2 beautiful white horses. The weather is perfect. The sky is filled with stars! The whole atmosphere is just unbelieveable.

We got on the carriage. It takes us around the garden, over this little bridge and stop. He got off the carriage and helps me down. We stroll down this little stoned pathway, with beautifully bloomed rose bushes on each sides. Something caught my eye.. It took my breath away immediately..

He has plan everything so marvellously, even decorated the little shelter in the rose garden and it just looks too romantic. The background is playing many of my favourite love ballards and we just dance and laugh the night away....


WAHHH!!! Too good to be true right? I agree~ Anyway it's just something hopelessly romantic I have in my head right now. *blush*

Back to reality.

My social pass has already been settled. Whole day been out. Not a good sign I know. I wanted to head back early to study but mummy insisted on me going to my dad's clinic for awhile. Awhile became a long time. Ended up visiting one of his relatives after he was done with his last patient.... -__-"

By the time we got back, already 8plus at night. Checked my email and did abit this and that.

Some checklist to take note of.. :

(1) Daniel will be coming to Singapore in March for just 2 days!!!! I don't get these people. I think they think Singapore is so tiny, 2-3 days is enough to see the whole thing!! Don't judge a book by its cover cannnn. So anyway, asked if he can stay longer and what plans he has in mind. If he couldn't extend his stay, then I guess we just have to make use of the whole 48 hours! How? I am NOT sure. So many things to do in so little time!!! Geezzzz~

(2) I just gotta get that over and done with. I HAVE TOO!!! But... *sighhh* I shall try my best~

(3) I have no idea if I can make it in time for Gary's birthday, which is coming in just 1 week plus time.. My attendance is compulsory according to him. But seriously, I am not sure... everything not sure!!!! I hate this..

(4) My 24th Birthday. Gotta make this something special. I want to look different. I haven't been spending my birthday in Singapore for ages!!! So this has got to be perfect. Well at least near to perfect!!! Something I can plan for.. right? Making sure everything goes smoothly and such? *fingers crossed* [so invited guests, pls try to make it kay?ur cooperation will be greatly appreciated.heheheh]

For now.. I think that's about it. Priority One: STUDY!!!!! Priority Two: IMAGE!!!!!

oh.. one last thing.. Hope I will be able to meet up with Daniel in March...


Sunday, February 12, 2006
@9:44 PM

VDay blues...

Everywhere I turn, every channel I switched, it's all Valentine's Day theme.. The "I Love You"s. The "Valentine's Day Dinner Special". The "Walt Disney's VDay Specials". Everything is Vday Vday Vday.

I do love Valentine's Day. Really. I'm just so tired of seeing it everywhere.. It just makes me even more depressed. I was watching this cantonese movie "Loving Me Loving You" and I suddenly felt so so so sad.. I nearly cried!!!

It's like one moment you're feeling all fine and happy about everything, even Valentine's Day. Then you just have extreme overdose of Valentine's Day atmosphere that it drives you to the extreme! Not sad become sad can.


I feel so lost right now...

Lately I really can't take it anymore. I need some freedom!!!!!!! I want to spend some time to myself.. Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ My mummy doesn't even let me stay home myself while she drives just 10 mins away to get some stuffs!!! Like OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*double sigh*

going to rest now.. still having that headache~


@6:00 PM

Mutual Friends

This week has slowly creeps past me. Nothing productive has come out of it unfortunately. Like wise for the previous weeks.

Many times I have been wanting to blog about some issues on my mind. But always - always - it's either my laptop isn't with me, I'm out, or about to sleep. Right now, I am just feeling overwhelmed about what I should actually blog about. Not really helping with a heavy feeling on my shoulders along with a bobbling headache. The internet server seems to be going quite slow.

So, what should I blog about?

Beginning of this year, I gotten to really know a new friend - Jyoji. I could say that me and him goes way back together. Quite a history too. hahahahhah Well not exactly. The point is, we knew each other quite sometime ago. Through a mutual friend, Weiyao. He's my primary school mate and he's his high school buddy. We didn't talk much, let alone keeping in touch.

Then years later, I met him again. This time through another mutual friend, Colin. He's my primary school mate and he's his uni buddy. We didn't talk much but did add each other on friendster and MSN.

Beginning of this year, we started to chat. Then we found out that we actually knew each other before!! and in times when I felt lonely or lost, he helped me through and did guide me in some ways.

You wouldn't believe this but few nights ago, we found out that one of my girlfriends is actually one of his ex-gfs!!!!! Like omg!!!! How small can this world (singapore technically) get?!?!?! HE on the other hand said that its the world's biggest joke or what?! hahahahaha I was left practically speechless about the ex-gf issue.

I don't know how much more my heart can take if this continues to go on. While he was saying that it's soooo much fun~ Of course it's fun!! Finding out that we share the same mutual friends and stuff. But it does get kinda eerie like what Charles said.

So that's about my darling Jyoji.

My headache is killing me! Feels like it's gonna burst soon!

No news from my uni yet.. *sigh* I think i've been resting too much.. which explains the headache and heavy shoulders.

I'm so stressed about my supp paper but i'm doing nothing!!! This is driving me mad!!! I hate not knowing the dates and all. Meaning I can't plan anything. Why does everything has to happen to me??????? :(

I thank my wonderful friends who's been there to get me through my loneliness in Msia. Especially that one who came straight online when I needed someone to talk to. I really appreciate that :) Actually I was kinda surprised you came online so fast. hahahah Nevertheless, thanks for being my listening ear and somewhat my punching bag. *muacks*


Thursday, February 09, 2006
@9:35 PM

Slipped Away
- in memories of my Aunt. Who, her soul lives forever in my heart. Who, I ever loved so dear.

Was watching Channel V while waiting for New York Minute to start. Just in time to catch "The Top 10 Break Up Songs" Channel V's doing since Valentine's Day round the corner. I was reading through the cable monthly magazine program and I thought I missed it.

Anyway, one of the songs was actually Avril Lavigne's My Happy Ending. Such a nostalgic song for me. I was listening to it during my breakups.... That whole frustration and expectations of the relationship really says it out loud in this song. Well not the part about being difficult and his frens' judgement.

Right now its blasting in my ear.

I love this song.

I can feel the pain, the frustration and the disappointment.. *sigh*

Makes me wanna Scream Out Loud!!!!

I love Avril's songs. Mostly her songs one can really relate to emotionally. One of the perfect songs to blast whenever you're all mad and boiling inside :) Oh and I sooo love her style too~ The whole bad girl, punkish and cool attitude. MY kinda girl~ ;) I like!!

About her songs... One of them really means alot to me - "Slipped Away"...

song is totally meant for my favourite Aunt..
Who lives forever in my heart.
God bless her soul.

That year I was still in Sydney and totally shocked out to hear about the sudden news... It still feels so much like yesterday... Still bring tears to my eyes whenever I think of her... Especially that very day. This song relates to how I felt about her - gone.

"I miss you.
Miss you so bad.
I don't forget you,
It's so sad.

I hope you can hear me,
I remember it clearly.
The day you slipped away,
Was the day I found it wun be the same.

I din get around to kiss you,
Good-bye on the hand.
I wish that I could see you again,
I know that I can't.

I hope you can hear me,
Cos I remember it clearly.
The day you slipped away,
Was the day I found it wun be the same.

I had my wake up,
Wouldnt you wake up.
I keep asking why.

I can't take it
It wasnt fakin it.
It happened you pass by

Now you're gone,
there you go.
Somehow I cant bring you back,
Somewhere You're not coming back.

The day you slipped away,
Was the day I found it wun be the same...


... ... ...

Think I better start studying.. Havent start a single thing yet!!!!! *panick*


Tuesday, February 07, 2006
@9:37 PM


Why does everyone feels so lonely during the night? Especially when one is trying to get over someone but memories kept haunting back at you. What makes?

I'm not trying to get over anyone. Well I don't think I am.. Or need to.. Anyway! Suddenly I feel this overwhelmingly sadness drowning me. I don't know why. For sure it's not PMS lor. Maybe I'm juz feeling tired...

Managed to drag myself up at 7am this morning. Got ready and left home at around 7:45am. Went to the immigration with mummy, got a number and we stood there for practically 4 1/2 hours!!! Stood!!!! *sighh* My feet nearly broke lor. Plus I was wearing that silver shoes of mine. Doesn't help at all. Thank god when it was our turn, the security guard came and ashered everyone out as it was the lunch break. HAhaHAhHAhAHhaHAh!! Else I think my mummy will blow her top off cos the wait was just too freaking long.

After we settled mummy's visa, headed down to 1 Utama to try and find this item. Before that we had our lunch there and bought some groceries (again) at the supermarket. We tried our luck at the World of Feng Shui but still couldn't find that item. *sigh*

Then I started to get tired. Suggested to stop for coffee and cakes hehehehehe~

Rested our poor feet at this cafe on the 1st floor. It's called Robert Harris Cafe. Proclaimed to be New Zealand's finest coffee..... I checked out their cakes selection.. Just one available - Marble Cheese Cake.. So much for being a NZ finest coffee cafe. So we ordered one cappacino, ice blended mocha and the only marble cheese cake. Not too bad lahz. I could almost fall flat face down on the cake while I was eatting it lor. hahahahahahahahhaha So you can imagine how tired I was. Even wanted to get some cards to send out for VDay but just too tired to get them.

:: Robert Harris Cafe ::

Went back home and did some chores.

Gonna sleep soon after~

Have to stay home tomorrow to study lah!!!!!

Damn... my VDay cards how!??!?! -_-"


Monday, February 06, 2006
@8:47 PM

Valentine's Day 2006

And so that faithful day is approaching as we speak - Valentine's Day.

My horoscope month forecast was telling me that "chances are really good that you will enjoy this Valentine's Day" and that "On this day, Mercury will move close to Uranus, indicating that there are lots of surprise communications - perhaps a card from a secret admirer, or a love letter you never expected?".

hahahha a card from a secret admirer. That reminds me of this silly prank I got on Valentine's Day itself back in High School Year 2.

It was Valentine's Day and everyone of us was quite aware about pranks being played during this day - other than April's Fool Day. Unfortunately (Or some might say 'lucky me') I found a red folded letter under my desk... I can still remember it quite vividly. It went something like " I'm your secret admirer and I hope to meet you at xxx place during xxx time after school." Of course there was also those mushy mushy words and stuff but it's better not write it down here and frankly speaking, I couldn't quite remember much of those mushy things.

Anyway, if you are wondering whether I gone there to meet that particular 'secret admirer'. Of course not. hahahahaha! Reason is simple. During our Arts class, I was discussing this with my girlfriends and we found out this other guy has gotten a red note as well. Thus we all concluded that this whole 'red note' thingy was a prank.

It would be really silly if I went down there only to be mock by the pranksters.

I rather to pretend I did not get anything than to be mocked. Anyway if I really had a 'secret admirer', that person would try to approach me again. That did not happen of course. So... The End :)


The Joy of Valentine's Day. It's quite doubtful that I am going to have a enjoyable Valentine's Day this year. Unless sitting infront of the telly, alone, watching sad romantic Valentine's Day themed movies and sipping a glass of cold soft drink is being considered as 'enjoyable'. Then Yes. I too have a feeling that I am definately going to enjoy myself this 14th Feb 2006. Maybe it's one of those women's 6th sense everyone calls it.


Wouldn't it be sooo romantic if that someone actually took the trouble and bothers to come surprise me in KL, with a huge bouquet of roses and a nice bottle of wine?

But of cos that someone must be someone that I like or fancy or something.
NOT someone i dislike or totally detest *shivers*

Moving on, I went to the supermarket earlier with mummy dearest. Before we headed out, I was waiting for Mrs to get ready. Thus out of boredom, I started to snip away with my camera. Took few shots of me, myself and moi. But of cos. hahah

Came back home and posted one of the pics on my MSN. Was telling Jyoji about it and he said I very 'hiao'. Go supermarket also take pics..


I was waiting for my mummy to get ready lor!! Bored can????

Can't blame one for loving oneself right? hahahaha I wanted to see how my new hairstyle is looking on me in photos anyway :P

OH and guess who else I love now?

Jeremy Sumpter from Peter Pan.

Isn't he dreamy??
*dreamy sighh*

Here's more!!


The Timeless Story as You've Never Seen It Before

I luurrrvvveeee this movie. One of my Favs!!!!

If you love fairytales too, you have to check this one out.


@1:03 PM

Early Morning

Yesterday before I fell asleep, as I was lying on my bed, staring up at my white ceiling, I thought of the times in Sydney. I wanted to pick my laptop up and start looking thru some of the photo albums but then again, I wouldn't be able to sleep and wake up early later. So anyway, decided to play one of my old VCDs "See Spot Run" on my laptop instead. kekekek~

Few hours later, woke up at 8 this morning. Mummy needed to go immigration to extend her visa and dad had to drive back to his clinic to grab some documents... By the time we reached there, it was already 10plus... The immigration department was at the 2nd floor, with a damn long queue welcoming us. When dad came up to find us, he went to the counter and found out the queue number has already finished. Damn. So instead we gone to settle the other necessary documents first and the officer told us that we have to come back tomorrow morning to grab the queue number again. Dad said 7am!!!!! *Faintz*

Was reading my baby Lynn's blog juz now. Happy that she seems to be having better days now. Especially delighted that my duckie Budi is cheering her life up when I'm not around doing that. hahahha I hope she'll be able to clear up her mind and put her priorities straight soon. As a good friend, I will always support whatever she wants to do and at the same time, voicing out my opinions too~ But at the end of the day, it is her choice. No matter what, I will always stand beside her in whatever she chose to do.

Everyone has been asking me on MSN about my nick - pls pray for me.. wish me luck. They all asked, " what luck? u alright?" and "i will pray for u :) " awwww~ Aren't they all great friends? But of cos!!!


And so, what I wanna tell the whole world now is this -

How exactly do you do that?

Eat cookies every late night.
Make sure always fill up your glass of xxx soft drinks.
Don't leave unfinished food on the table.
Ensure there is always sufficient supply of food
Do not panick if there's no food at home
There's always Pizza Hut, KFC, Dominos and Maccas Home Delivery Service.

I guess there's no need to continue now, is there?

I just saw this bulletin message on friendster from one of my friends..
very touching and so true.. It reads,

" When a girl cries
it doesnt mean she's weak.

If a girl cries in front of u..
it means that
she couldnt take it anymore.
If u take her hand,
she would stay with u
for the rest of ur life;
If u let her go,
she couldnt go back
to being herself anymore.

A girl wont cry easily,
except in front of the person
whom she loves the most,
she becomes weak.

A girl wont cry easily,
only when she loves u the most,
she puts down her ego.

Guys, if a girl cries bcoz of u,
please hold her hands firmly,
coz she's the one who is willing
to stay with u 4 for the rest of ur life.

Guys, if a girl cries bcoz of u,
please dont give her up,
maybe bcoz of ur decision,
u ruin her life.

When she cries rite in front of u,
when she cries bcoz of u,
Look into her eyes,
Can u see n feel
the pain n hurt she's feeling?
Which other girl have cried
with pure sincerity,
n front of u,
AND bcoz of u?
She cries
not because she is weak,
She cries
not bcoz she wants sympathy or pity,
She cries,
Because crying silently is no longer possible,
the pain, hurt n agony
have bcome too big a burden
to be kept inside.

Guys, Think about it,
If a girl cries her heart out to u,
And all because of u,
Its time to look back
on wat u have done,
Only u will know
the answer to it.

Do consider it,
Coz one day,
It may b too late for regrets,
It may b too late to say
"im sorry"...
Don't always think
u are right all the times,
think carefully,

everyone has a responsibility
for everything that they did,
she may did wrong
but who makes her do wrong?

A girl always needs protection;
A girl always needs care;
A girl always needs someone
beside her to comfort her when she's sad;
A girl always need support
most from the guy
that she loves when she's down,
not from the friends
who are always beside her.

don be too

It will cause you
to lose a girl
that you love the most
in your life."

Right. Going to buy veges with mummy liao~



Sunday, February 05, 2006
@2:53 AM

Wee Hours of the Morning

Juz finished watching "The Last Samurai" on cable. Right now I'm back in my room, connected to the Internet, logged onto MSN and chatting with darling HanHan. Simply bitching with him bout nothings.

The song "The Way You Look Tonight" from My Best Friend's Wedding OST ablum never fails to make me blush, with dat silly grin on my face. hehehheh

Outkast - Hey Ya reminds me of Nix

The other day, radio was playing "Wannabe - Spice Girls" and Deviana instantly pops out of my mind! hahahahha the fun times we had singing it at the korean karaoke at George Street!!!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006
@11:31 PM

Say A Little Prayer

I feel so stressed and worried now that I can't breath properly. I feel like going back home to see my friends which helps to relieve part of what i'm feeling right now. But I know it's not possible... Mummy said I can only go back home after I complete the paper. I don't wish to tell her the outcome of the other as I myself feel very much stressed already, and having her to give me constant nagging and stressing me to get in touch with whoever I can get hold of isn't going to help me calm my nerves. Plus I need to try and study for the paper from now on. No more slacking around at home...

Thing is I really don't know what to do if the other can't get through. This is so crazy, it's driving me nuts!!!!!

I don't know how am I going to sleep early tonight... I don't know how am I going to concentrate on studyin for that paper when I'm worrying about the other right now.

I'm so stressed, I am eatting anything!!!!!! Thank goodness I've got fruits at home or I'll just drown myself with Cokes, Shandy, CNY Goodies and all those what-nots we got at home for visitors.

I know I should try and study if I couldn't sleep tonight... But part of me feels tired while part of me feels so sickly worried.. :'(

Meanwhile I know I shouldn't be thinking about this during such a period, should I give Keisuke chocolates for VDay? hahahaha I'm thinking of sending Keisuke, Kosuke, Yuto the guys chocolates for VDay.

Japanese has this culture which is soooooo interesting. VDay is only meant for GIRLS to GIVE GUYS chocolates. ONLY chocolates and nothing else. Not flowers. Not candlelight dinner. And most sexistly important, only the GIRLS can give the guys. Not the other way round. Thennnnn few days after VDay (think they called it the Whie or White Day), the guys will then give the girls something back in return. Of course the guys will only give something back IF they like the girl. For example, Girl gives Boy chocolates for VDay but Boy doesn't like her in any way so Boy doesn't give Girl back anything on Whie Day. Personally I think it's kinda cruel. Like why does the girl has to make the first move?? Why can't the guys give girls chocolates on VDay and then we girls will give them boys something back on Whie Day, if we feel like it.

So sexist right!??!?!?! *sigh* Guess it's just how their culture has been so many years. At least it's showing some improvements right now :) Go Japanese Girls!!!! Gambatte!!!! wahahhaha~

Tomorrow morning I'm gonna wake up early and call up Uni to explain to them the whole situation. Hopefully they'll be more lenient on me, given my circumstances...

Pls pls pls pls pls God.. Let everything goes smoothly for me this time.. I really need my break and finish everything right then, right now..


@1:30 AM

Lunar New Year Madness

I guess it's time I started to update my blog. hehehe Been sooo terribly busy lately that by the time I reached home and after having some time for myself, I would directly concussed on my bed. Not mentioning how LATE every night ends for me. *sigh* along with the loonnggg car rides each time we went out... *double sigh*

So a slightly brief updates of what I have been doing...

Before the start of the Lunar New Year, I was shopping around like mad with my mum. Getting the Lunar New Year goodies, new clothes, food for our renuion dinner and the what-nots. My feet hurt like mad everyday in the midst of these shopping and had to rest for awhile before continuing the grocery/shopping madness. Didn't help much when we weren't able to get what we wanted at some shopping malls and had to drive all the 45 mins way down to KL only to not get what we wanted, then back to where we started off in the first place!!

So yes.. it was crazy...

But we managed to get everything done, up and running by Lunar New Year Eve!!!!!! *proud grin*

Then there was the day(s) after after Lunar New Year Eve... After lunch, I got dressed and ready to go out. The start of the long car rides and visiting relatives to "bai nian". 1st was to go my 2nd uncle's place at Seremban (2 hrs drive back n forth). Met up with my 2nd and 3rd cousins. 2nd cousins Justin and can't remember the other name. Justin's in London working as a specialist of some sorts... Really friendly and everything but I was too shy to talk much with him. Then his brother is a Lawyer i think in London too. Their mum was really nice to me... hahaha She was like talking to me most of the time. Very nice and wonderful lady :) My 3rd cousins, all 3 of them, are studying in New Zealand. The other aunt told me that apparently we are all very close knitted but just that we didn't get the chance to meet each other and stuff.. so yeah~

Anyway, every night we got home at earliest 11+pm.. Same goes for today. Which kinda explains why I didn't get to update my blog so often now. Too tired and exhausted by the time I reached home...

As for my angpao collection, let's juz say its not that fruitful. ;)

Gonna head to sleep.. Hope everyone out there is having a great Lunar New Year!

Ta for now!



|| pinkdixie ||

this is my ranting playground // judge me not of my nonsensical verbal vomits for this is my personal haven // RESPECT your friends, family, loved ones and even your enemy // THINK before you speak as you never know how hurtful your words might be //

My Darlings & Loved ones
Travel & Living
Romance & Excitement
Wonderful Surprises
Chilling sessions

My first offical paycheck
Driving License
A Special Someone
Lose 15kg..for now
My First Car *personal finance*
New Canon Ixus
New Laptop
Being Happy
A Gucci Bag
Language School
Staying Positive


Clement Cheng
Hui Min
Hui Lin
Hui Li
Pauline Ler
Raymond Foo

Daphne Teo
Yan Ling
The Purdue Diaries
Kenny Sia
Dawn Yang
Andrew Baxter
PotatomuS MaximuS
Kinky Blue Fairy
The Bitter Stickgirl


01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006
08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007
02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007
06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007
07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007
09/01/2007 - 10/01/2007
10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007
11/01/2007 - 12/01/2007
12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008
01/01/2008 - 02/01/2008
02/01/2008 - 03/01/2008
10/01/2008 - 11/01/2008


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